Our Covenant God
Commissioned by the North American Ministerial Council, this study on the divine covenants is intended to be utilized in small groups across the Church of God. It includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter. A twenty-six-lesson companion guide is being developed based on the Bible Study for Adults third and fourth quarters 2025, available in late 2025.
We hope these resources will assist in the aim of this book: to help our Bible-based church better read the Bible as a whole and to celebrate our covenant God and His covenants with clarity as they point us to their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Order your copy from our online bookstore (select either English or Spanish).
Nuestro Dios del Pacto
Este estudio sobre los pactos divinos, encargado por el Concilio Ministerial de América del Norte, está pensado para ser utilizado en grupos pequeños en toda la Iglesia de Dios. El estudio incluye preguntas para debatir al final de cada capítulo. Se está desarrollando una guía complementaria de veintiséis lecciones basada en el Estudio bíblico para adultos del tercer y cuarto trimestre de 2025, que estará disponible a finales de 2025.
Esperamos que estos recursos ayuden a lograr el objetivo de este libro: ayudar a nuestra iglesia basada en la Biblia a leer mejor la Biblia en su totalidad y a celebrar a nuestro Dios del pacto y Sus pactos con claridad, ya que ellos nos señalan su cumplimiento en Jesucristo.
Ordene su copia en nuestra libreria en línea (seleccione English or Spanish).
Sex: Created, Fallen, and Redeemed
Commissioned by the North American Ministerial Council, this study is intended to serve as a tool in various settings. We believe individual Christians can benefit from studying and applying what is written here, both in their private lives and in their public interaction with fellow Christians and non-Christians. We encourage pastors and other Christian leaders to utilize this study in their personal lives, preaching and teaching, small groups, discipleship, and counseling opportunities. Ultimately, we encourage believers to read and apply this study in fellowship with one another. Gender, sexuality, and marriage are deeply communal issues that must be understood and lived out in community. Indeed, much of the disintegration surrounding these issues within our culture and churches relates to the broader breakdown of Christ-centered relationships and community. Order your copy from our online bookstore (select either English or Spanish).
Sexo: Creado, Caído, y Redimido
Encargado por el Concilio Ministerial de Norte América. El propósito de este estudio es para que sea una herramienta útil en diferentes situaciones. Creemos que los cristianos se beneficiarán al estudiar y poner en práctica lo escrito en este estudio, tanto en sus vidas privadas como en la interacción pública con otros cristianos y no cristianos. Queremos animar a pastores y líderes cristianos a utilizar este estudio en su vida personal, predicación y enseñanza, grupos pequeños, discipulado y oportunidades de consejería. Por último, también queremos animar a los creyentes a leer y poner en práctica este estudio en comunión unos con otros. El género, la sexualidad y el matrimonio son temas comunes muy profundos que deben ser entendidos y vividos en comunidad. De hecho, gran parte de la desintegración que rodea estos asuntos dentro de nuestra cultura e iglesias se debe a la ruptura de no centrar en Cristo las relaciones y comunidades. Ordene su copia en nuestra libreria en línea (seleccione español o inglés).
This We Believe
After five years of writing, rewriting, reviewing, proofing, preparing, and printing, the North American Ministerial Council of the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day), with editorial and production expertise from Bible Advocate Press, presents a full-length book on doctrines for your use. This handy guide develops and defends each of the twelve points in the Church’s Statement of Faith, using the Scripture as its only authority.
It has been said that in addition to a Bible and a good hymnbook, all Christians should own a book that explains the main teachings of Scripture and of the church to which they belong. This We Believe is just such a book for CoG7. Order your copy from our online bookstore (select either English or Spanish).
En Esto Creemos
Después de cinco años de escribir, re-escribir, revisar, preparar e imprimir, el Concilio Ministerial de Norteamérica de la Conferencia General de la Iglesia de Dios (Séptimo Día), con la experiencia editorial y de producción de la Impresora del Abogado de la Biblia, presenta un libro completo sobre nuestras doctrinas, que podrá utilizar. Esta práctica guía desarrolla y defiende cada uno de los doce puntos en la Declaración de Fe de la Iglesia, usando las Escrituras como su única autoridad.
Se ha dicho que además de una Biblia y un buen himnario, todos los cristianos deberían tener un libro que explique las principales enseñanzas de las Escrituras y de la iglesia a la que pertenecen. En Esto Creemos es ese libro para la Iglesia de Dios 7. Ordene su copia en nuestra libreria en línea (seleccione español o inglés).
The Bible Adventure — In 66 Steps
by Calvin Burrell
The Bible Adventure is a book-by-book introduction to the Holy Scriptures. Instead of a uniform template for each book, Calvin Burrell uses a freestyle approach to identify the most meaningful and memorable elements of each. These summaries were first written and published as a series in the Bible Advocate magazine.
This book can be used for devotional reading or as a resource addressing the essence of the Bible’s 66 books. It can be helpful to those who like to analyze and summarize Scripture, or to those who need a handy reference to important ideas and texts in the various books.
Do yourself, your family, and your friends a favor by taking a journey with them down the Bible’s Route 66! Click here to order from our online bookstore: The Bible Adventure.
The Journey:
A History of the Church of God (Seventh Day)
by Robert Coulter
The Journey: A History of the Church of God (Seventh Day) is a fully documented resource for studying the Church’s historical and theological development. Its factual reports, many of which are less than fully positive, are confirmed by the Church’s Colorado archives, particularly by a near-complete library of the Bible Advocate magazine and its forerunner, The Hope of Israel – since 1863. Click here to order from our online bookstore: The Journey: A History of the Church of God (Seventh Day).