SY 4-Year and JH 3-Year Content List

Senior Youth 4 Year Content List

Year One – Senior Youth Bible Study

SY-701 – Christ the Word / Cristo la Palabra
SY-702 – Spirit of Truth / Espíritu de Verdad
SY-703 – God of Grace / Dios de Gracia
SY-704 – Church on Mission – Iglesia en Misión

Year Two – Senior Youth Bible Study

SY-705 – Faith and Foundations – Fe y Fundamentos
SY-706 – Rescue and Restoration – Rescate y Restauración
SY-707 – Reforming and Transforming – Reformando y Transformando
SY-708 – Attitudes and Actions – Attitudes and Actions

Year Three – Senior Youth Bible Study

SY-709 – Christ and Covenant – Cristo y Pacto
SY-710 – Christ and Calling – Cristo y Llamamiento
SY-711 – Christ and Collaboration – – Cristo y Colaboración
SY-712 – Christ and Commission – Cristo y Comisión

Year Four – Senior Youth Bible Study

SY-713 – Father of Love / Padre de Amor
SY-714 – Prince of Peace / Príncipe de Paz
Current Issue SY-715 – Priests of Joy / Sacerdotes de Júbilo
SY-716 – All Things New / Todas las Cosas Nuevas

Junior High Bible Study

Available in English only.

Year One – Junior High Bible Study

JH-501 – Christian Life
JH-502 – The Greatest Life Ever Lived – Part 1
JH-503 – The Greatest Life Ever Lived – Part 2
Current Issue JH-504 – The Greatest Book Ever Written

Year Two – Junior High Bible Study

JH-505 – Eyewitnesses to God’s Love
JH-506 – The Light of the World
JH-507 – The Church Begins
JH-508 – Call to Service

Year Three – Junior High Bible Study

JH-509 – God and I
JH-510 – God’s Plan in History
JH-511 – God’s Plan: Present and Future
JH-512 – Discipleship

