2023 Index

2023 Q1

Walking in the Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual Formation Series — Part 1

Special Introduction

Quarterly Introduction

  1. Got Heartburn? (A Passion for Jesus)
  2. Know and Be Known (The Example of Jesus)
  3. Who’s Leading You? (The Work of the Holy Spirit)
  4. A Student of the Word (Study and Memorization)
  5. Adjust Your Focus (Meditation)
  6. Lord, Teach Us to Pray (Prayer)
  7. What’s for Breakfast? (Fasting)
  8. Let’s Play the Quiet Game (Silence and Solitude)
  9. Give It Away (Simplicity and Giving)
  10. Give It a Rest (Sabbath)
  11. As You Wish (Submission and Service)
  12. It’s Party Time (Celebration and Fellowship)
  13. What It’s All About (Worship)

2023 Q2

Climbing the Mountain of the Beatitudes

Spiritual Formation Series — Part 2

Special Introduction

Introduction to the Beatitudes

  1. The Christian Manifesto
  2. True Discipleship: Step by Step
  3. Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
  4. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
  5. Blessed Are the Meek
  6. Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness
  7. Blessed Are the Merciful
  8. Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
  9. Blessed Are the Peacemakers
  10. Blessed Are the Persecuted
  11. Promises of the Beatitudes
  12. Disciple Under Construction
  13. Beyond the Beatitudes

2023 Q3

Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit

Spiritual Formation Series — Part 3

Special Introduction

Introduction to This Quarterly

  1. Fruit or Flesh?
  2. Love
  3. Joy
  4. Peace
  5. Longsuffering
  6. Kindness
  7. Goodness
  8. Faithfulness
  9. Gentleness
  10. Self-Control
  11. Crucify the Flesh
  12. Walk in the Spirit
  13. The Law of the Spirit

2023 Q4

Growing Up in the Body of Christ

Spiritual Formation Series — Part 4

Series Introduction

Introduction to This Quarterly

  1. Growing Up
  2. Mercies and Bodies
  3. Minds and Wills
  4. One and Many
  5. Gifts of Grace
  6. Ministering the Word
  7. Sharing is Caring
  8. Leaders and Doers
  9. Real Love
  10. Patience and Prayer
  11. Bless and Rejoice
  12. Humility and Peace
  13. Overcoming Evil with Good