2022 Index

2022 Q1

My Witnesses


  1. A Call to Transformation
  2. A Mission for Me
  3. A Joyful Life
  4. A Place to Learn
  5. A Witnessing Church
  6. A Prayer of Faith
  7. A Word of Truth
  8. A Helper Needed
  9. A Witness, Not a Winner
  10. A Witness is What?
  11. A Case Study
  12. A Testimony to Share
  13. A Great Commission

2022 Q2

Home Evangelism


  1. God’s Evangelistic Will
  2. The Evangelistic Assignment of Jesus
  3. Sent to Give Life
  4. Witnesses to Me
  5. Different Strategies
  6. Promoting Church Growth
  7. Lifecycle of the Family Group: Implanting
  8. Lifecycle of the Family Group: Consolidating
  9. Lifecycle of the Family Group: Maturing
  10. Lifecycle of the Family Group: Reproducing
  11. Evangelizing Dynamics of Family Groups
  12. How to Face Obstacles
  13. My House for the Service of God

2022 Q3

This We Believe – Part 1

Special Introduction to the 2022 Edition


  1. The Holy Bible
  2. The Deity in the Bible
  3. God the Father
  4. Jesus Christ the Son
  5. The Holy Spirit
  6. The Fall of Humanity
  7. The Plan of Salvation
  8. Our Response to God
  9. The Ten Commandments
  10. The Sabbath
  11. The Church
  12. Baptism
  13. Lord’s Supper


2022 Q4

This We Believe – Part 2

Special Introduction to the 2022 Edition


  1. Christian Living
  2. Marriage
  3. Financial Stewardship
  4. Clean and Unclean Foods
  5. Participation in Warfare
  6. Holidays With Pagan Roots
  7. Satan and Spiritual Warfare
  8. State of the Dead
  9. Prophecy, Signs of the Times
  10. Regathering of Israel
  11. The Second Coming of Christ
  12. Resurrections, Rewards, and Punishments
  13. The Kingdom: Present, Millennial, and Eternal

