2015 Index

2015 – Q1

The Epistle of James: Active Faith


  1. Faith, Trials, and Wisdom
  2. Doing God’s Word
  3. Pure Religion
  4. Failures in Social Conduct
  5. Correction for Social Ills
  6. Faith and Works
  7. The Tongue
  8. Earthly and Heavenly Wisdom
  9. Failure to Control Self
  10. 10.Humility Versus Pride
  11. 11.Respect for Others
  12. 12.Oppressors and the Oppressed
  13. Final Words


2015 – Q2

Jesus According to Mark


  1. The Good News Begins
  2. The Call to Discipleship
  3. Authority and Blindness
  4. Signs and Parables
  5. Authority and Rejection
  6. So Near Yet So Far From Jesus
  7. Who Is Jesus?
  8. Teachings on Discipleship
  9. Last Days in Jerusalem
  10. Jesus Answers Questions
  11. Institution of the Lord’s Supper
  12. The Crucifixion of Jesus
  13. He Is Risen!


2015 – Q3

Second Corinthians: A Personal Letter


New Testament Letter Writing

  1. A Father Writes
  2. A Defense of Apostleship
  3. Pardoning an Offender
  4. An Epistle of Christ
  5. Tribulation and Triumph
  6. Ambassador for Christ
  7. Separation from the World
  8. The Joy of Repentance
  9. Christian Giving
  10. Answering the Critics 36
  11. Boasting for the Gospel  39
  12. Sufficient Grace  42
  13. Special Admonitions  45


2015 – Q4

Kingdom Come!


  1. Adam’s Legacy
  2. Troublesome Times
  3. Born is the King
  4. Thy Kingdom Come
  5. Two Resurrections
  6. Peace at Last!
  7. Reigning with Christ
  8. Glory of the Kingdom
  9. The Good Life of the Kingdom
  10. Death and Hell
  11. The Judgment of God
  12. The Great White Throne
  13. Paradise Lost and Found